- Monazite - (Ce,La,Y,Th)PO , H = 5 to 5.5 , yellowish to reddish brown color , white streak , equant or elongated crystals , waxy to resinous luster , radioactive
- Vivianite - Fe(PO)*8HO , H = 1.5 to 2 , pale to dark blue color , white-blue or brown streak , bladed or fibrous habit , commonly found in clays
- Apatite - Ca(PO)(F,Cl,OH) , H = 5 , short to long hexagonal prisms , various colors , white streak , vitreous luster ; Collophane is a brown, fine-grained variety of apatite.
- Pyromorphite-Mimetite - Pb(PO)Cl-Pb(AsO)Cl , H = 3 to 3.5 , rounded barrel shaped or globular , reniform or wartlike ; green yellow to brown color , resinous luster , white streak , density = 7 to 7.25 , occurs in oxidized zone of ore deposits containing lead
- Wavellite - Al(PO)(OH)*5HO , generally green in color , but may be white , yellow or brown ; radiating spherulitic and globular aggregates , H = 3.5 to 4 , vitreous luster
- Lazulite - (Mg,Fe)Al(PO)(OH) , massive to granular habit , azure blue color , H = 5 to 5.5 , occurs in high grade metamorphics and pegmatites